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Snatch Press
AKA Snatch grip press behind the neck, Klokov press

The snatch press is the simplest upper body strength exercise for the snatch.  
Stand with the barbell behind your neck with your snatch grip. If you hold the hook grip overhead in the snatch, use it here; if you release the hook in the snatch, don’t use the hook.
Squeeze the upper inside edges of the shoulder blades together tightly as they will be overhead, brace your trunk, and ensure even balance over the whole foot.
Press the bar straight up into the overhead position while maintaining the same slight forward inclination of the trunk. Hold forcefully for a moment before lowering for the next rep.
Athletes who cannot press smoothly from behind the neck without pain should avoid this exercise until they’ve achieved better mobility. Any snatch pressing or jerking exercise is normally started behind the neck, so it’s usually unnecessary to specify behind the neck when prescribing such lifts. Because the bar and the trunk begin in the same place and orientation respectively that they should be in when the bar is overhead, the bar path should be perfectly vertical and the trunk should remain in the same orientation (inclined forward very slightly).
The snatch press is a simple upper body exercise for the snatch that builds strength and stability in the upper back, shoulders and arms. It can be used as warm-up before snatches for improved mobility and accuracy in the overhead position, or as an accessory exercise for more pressing volume or as a substitute for heavier exercises like snatch push presses if pain or injury precludes them.
The snatch press can be done with anywhere from 3-10 reps per set. Weights should generally be such that the exercise can be performed fairly smoothly—that is, the athlete shouldn’t need to grind through it with changes from ideal positions. Heavy weights can be used by lifters with excellent mobility and shoulder stability and strength. Those with less than optimal mobility should keep weights low, but the exercise should be avoided if the athlete is unable to perform it without discomfort. As a strength exercise, it should be placed toward the end of a workout. With lighter weights (or an empty bar), it can be used before snatches as a warm-up for the shoulders, elbows and wrists.
The snatch press can be done with touch-and-go reps, or by completely resetting the bar on the back and starting each rep from a dead stop, weights can be hung from bands to increase the stability challenge, and it can be done seated.  

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