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RNT Single-Leg Dumbbell RDL
AKA Banded Single-Leg Dumbbell RDL

The RNT single-leg dumbbell RDL is an accessory exercise primarily for hip stability with added lateral stability work from band resistance. It can be done with the band resistance pulling either inward or outward, but is most commonly done pulling inward to focus on the lateral hip; outward tension can be used for work on the adductors.
Stand on one leg with the knee slightly bent and the other slightly behind the support leg. Loop a band around the supporting leg just above or below the knee with the other end attached to a solid object—the band should be pulling the knee inward to work on the lateral hip, and outward to work the on adductors. Hold a single dumbbell in the hand opposite the support leg (contralateral) or a dumbbell in each hand.
Hinge at the hip to lean forward while bringing the back leg up, trying to maintain an approximately straight line along the trunk and lifted leg, and working against the band to keep the support knee centered over the foot. Keep the hips square as you hinge, i.e. prevent any rotation or tilting, and maintain the same slight bend in the support knee.

Bring the weight as low toward the floor as possible without your back rounding and without allowing the weight to touch to help with your balance. Reverse the motion and stand again for the next rep, ideally without allowing the free foot to touch the floor.
The RNT single-leg RDL improves hip stability as well as balance while strengthening the posterior chain and helping to maintain side to side symmetry in strength and stability. 
RNT single-leg RDLs should be performed at the end of the workout 1-2 days/week in sets of 6-15 on each side. Weight should not exceed what the athlete can use with stable, balanced, controlled reps. Light weight with stability is more effective than heavy weight without. Likewise, the band resistance should not be excessive, and should allow the athlete to keep the leg in the proper position. RNT single-leg RDLs can also be done as prep work during a warm-up if the athlete finds them helpful for improving execution in their primary movements.
The RNT single-leg RDL can be done with a single dumbbell or kettlebell in the hand opposite the support leg, or with a weight in each hand—single-arm will be more demanding on balance. Slow eccentrics or pauses at the bottom can also be added, or the athlete can stand on an air pillow or cushion to increase the balance challenge.

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