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Overhead Walking Lunge

The overhead walking lunge adds an element of overhead stability to this simple unilateral leg exercise, as well as naturally encourages a more upright posture in the lunge.
With one or two implements locked securely overhead in the chosen manner, step one leg forward into a lunge position, adjusting the length depending on your intent—longer strides will place more emphasis on hamstrings and glutes, and shorter strides will bring more quads in—and then step the other foot forward. Repeat for desired number of steps or distance.
Generally it’s best to take one continuous step, but in some cases you may need to bring the back foot up to meet the front momentarily before stepping it the rest of the way forward. Stay tight overhead—the goal is to prevent any motion in the upper back, shoulders or elbows.
The walking lunge is a simple, accessible way to train hip stability and unilateral leg and hip strength, and to accumulate a lot of volume with little time and little to no equipment. Adding weight overhead allows training overhead stability—the lunging motion and constant movement make stabilizing weight overhead more difficult than in a squat or walking motion. It’s also a way to reinforce lunging with a more consistent upright posture instead of leaning forward.
The overhead walking lunge can be loaded in any number of ways—barbell, kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbag, plate, and with one or two arms. A one-arm overhead carry can also be combined with a different kind of carry on the other arm such as in the front rack position, on the shoulder with a sandbag, or with a dumbbell, kettlebell or farmer handle at arm’s length (often called a crosswalk).

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