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Scap Pull-up Circles

Scap pull-up circles are a combination mobility and stability exercise for the shoulders.
Hang from a pull-up bar with a grip a little outside shoulder width, allowing the shoulders to open completely. Using a controlled tempo, pull your shoulder blades back, then down, then forward, then up, creating a circle though the entire range of motion of depression, protraction, elevation and retraction.
After the prescribed reps, reverse the direction.
Scap pull-up circles help improve overhead range of motion, and strengthen the muscles that stabilize the shoulder blades and improve control over them to help overhead stability.
Scap pull-up circles are a good exercise to include in a training prep routine after a general warm-up and some basic shoulder warm-ups like dynamic range of motion exercises. 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps works well. They can be scaled by keeping the feet on the floor or a bench/box to reduce the weight hanging.