Olympic Weightlifting Teams
Join one of our online teams and get programming by and feedback from Greg Everett while training virtually alongside teammates for support and friendly competition. Get programming in the industry-leading Train Heroic app.

Club Team
5 days/week

The Catalyst Athletics Club team is built for weightlifters who need a complete training program to get stronger, improve technique, and continue making PRs in the snatch, clean & jerk, and related exercises.

This 5 day/week program is written by Greg Everett, and your training will be supervised by Greg to give you as much feedback as possible. You’ll also be training virtually alongside teammates for support and competition.

Get demo videos and explanations of the exercises, full warm-up, prep and cool-down protocols, and all the accessory work you need to be as successful as possible.

Join any time with a FREE 7-Day trial, or sign up to get notifications of new cycle start dates.

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Stripped Team
3 days/week

The Catalyst Athletics Stripped team is perfect for busy folks, masters lifters and CrossFitters who need a complete weightlifting training program to get stronger, improve technique, and continue making PRs in the snatch, clean & jerk, and related exercises, but who can’t commit more than 3 days per week to training.

This 3 day/week program is written by Greg Everett, and your training will be supervised by Greg to give you as much feedback as possible. You’ll also be training virtually alongside teammates for support and competition.

Get demo videos and explanations of the exercises, full warm-up, prep and cool-down protocols, and all the accessory work you need.

Join any time with a FREE 7-Day trial, or sign up to get notifications of new cycle start dates.

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Aimee's Ladies
5 days/week

Aimee's Ladies is an online community for women, and is good choice for the beginner, intermediate, and masters athletes: whether you are brand new to the sport of weightlifting, have goals to qualify for National meets, or never want to compete.

This program focuses on gaining strength and consistency in the Olympic lifts through working positional strength, technique/movement, and gaining confidence in the snatch, clean & jerk, and related exercises.

Communicate with your teammates as much as you want, and you''ll receive video review/feedback, cues or corrections, from Aimee Everett and Lily Salisbury. Aimee is available to answer questions, and will be surprising you with mindset or lifting advice occasionally. If you are shy, and do not want to share videos, no need to!

Join any time with a FREE 7-Day trial, or sign up to get notifications of new cycle start dates.

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