4-Week Competition Lift Block
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4-Week Competition Lift Block

4 weeks   |   Free   |   Web, Text

This is a 4-week block with a transition week to start that focuses on snatch and clean & jerk performance.

Good For: Use after a more strength-focused program to get ready for a competition or snatch and clean & jerk testing.

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Sample Week

Week 1 Day 1 Monday
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  • Power snatch - 60% x 2 x 5
  • Power clean & power jerk - 60% x 2 x 5
  • Good morning (straight knee, straight feet) - 3 x 10 light
  • GHB sit-ups - 3 x 15
Light Transition Week

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Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
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  • Snatch - (70% x 1, 74% x 1, 78% x 1) x 3
  • Clean & jerk - (70% x 1, 74% x 1, 78% x 1) x 3
  • Back squat - 75% x 6 x 4 - 3 sec pause in bottom
Rounds in 5 min:
5 kipping pull-ups
5 lunges/leg
5 box jumps
5 push-ups

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Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
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  • Power snatch + hang power snatch + 2 snatch balance - 70% (of power snatch) x 4 sets
  • Push press + power jerk + jerk - 80% (of push press) x 5 sets
3 rounds for time:
250 m row sprint
10 kipping pull-ups
3 min rest

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Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
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Week 1 Day 5 Friday
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  • Power clean + hang clean + power jerk - 70% (of clean) x 4 sets
  • Jerk dip squats - 90% (of jerk) x 3 x 4
  • Muscle snatch - 60% x 3 x 4
For time:
35-30-25 KB swings
400-200-100 m sprint

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Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
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  • Snatch - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 3
  • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 3
  • Front squat - heavy single; 80% of that x 3 x 3
3 sets:
A. GHR x 15
B. GHB sit-ups x 25

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Week 1 Day 7 Sunday
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Jonathan Huskey
February 26 2018
Question on the front squats on Week 2 Monday and Wednesday and Week 3 Tuesday and Thursday. Is that really just a single at 70% and 75%? Work up to one single at that percentage?
Jonathan - Yes, since this is an emphasis on heavy clean and jerk and snatches, the main focus will be on the classic lifts—rather than squats. 

Alyssa Sulay
Katie Boucher
September 26 2019
For the heavy singles each week, should they be increasing each day? Or week?
Katie - Ideally, yet.

Alyssa Sulay
Rui Motoyoshi
January 2 2021
Are reps or sets listed first? (E.g. Week 1 Day 1 says "Power snatch - 60% x 2 x 5". Is that 2 sets x 5 reps or vice versa? Thanks!
You can find all the explanations of notation here.

Greg Everett
Rui Motoyoshi
January 4 2021
Kyle Kocha
April 16 2021
Hi Greg, still confused after searching through the help & info page. Could you clarify the classic lift reps/sets on W1D2? Is this notation 3 sets of 3 reps incrementing the weight? or 3 sets of 1 rep, incrementing the weight after each 3rd set? Thanks!
you're doing 3 waves of singles at 70, 74 and 78%; that is, 1 set of 1 rep at each weight, and then repeat that 2 times so you're doing a total of 3 singles at each weight

Greg Everett
Isa Sukarni
June 2 2021
Hi Greg,
For W1D2, the back squat I’m assuming its 75% of my 1RM back squat.
If the weight is too heavy for me especially with a 3 sec pause at bottom, can I go lower, if so how much lower? This question goes for any future similar cases as well in case I find I can’t do the recommended % weight.
You can reduce it as much as you need in all cases. Similarly, if a % feels much too easy for a given exercise, you can adjust up. You'll have to use your best judgment and try to achieve the spirit of the prescription (i.e., how hard is it supposed to be?).

Greg Everett
Paula Habel
February 20 2024
Just competed Sunday, matched my snatch PR, 2 kg PR on C&J, 2 KG on my total. Thank you. Much appreciated
Amazing work! 

Catalyst Athletics