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Overhead Carry + Overhead Squat

The overhead carry + overhead squat is a shoulder stability exercise for the snatch and jerk.
Load a barbell in the chosen manner (see variations below). For tougher loading and more unstable bars, it’s ideal to take the bar from a rack in the overhead position rather than trying to lift it there from the shoulders or the back.
Walk at a normal pace while focusing on aggressively maintaining the overhead position, starting with the shoulder blades. The goal is to keep the bar from moving as much as possible even if hanging weights are trying to move it out of position.
The overhead carry and overhead squat trains active stabilization overhead and develops the stamina and activation of the many small muscles needed to keep a bar secure overhead with unexpected movement.
Carries can be done for a certain distance or time, or a specified number of steps. Early on, use light weights and longer durations (40-50 m distance) to develop some capacity before gradually moving to shorter durations (20 m distance) and heavier weights. 3-6 sets is plenty.
To increase instability, use elastic bands and increase the weight hanging from them. To increase weight but maintain the same instability, load the bar normally and keep the hanging weight the same.
This is not an exercise meant to be done with heavy weights—overhead squats, jerk recoveries and supports and the like are more appropriate for overload.
Carries can be done with jerk or snatch grip; weight can be added to the bar with plates, or hung from the bar on bands, or chains hung from the bar (or combinations of these); carries can be done without the squats, up and down hill, with lunges, or side steps. Carries can also be done with a single arm using a dumbbell, kettlebell or any other weighted implement.

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